http://www.djtrjvjv.cn 2012-7-24 14:53:34 來源:中國法學會網
1 、“一國兩制”視野下法律文化的同一性與多樣性及其在中國的體現——寫在中國特色社會主義法律體系形成之后 朱力宇(中國人民大學法學院);
【摘要】 法律文化的概念外延包括了規范制度形態、意識觀念形態、實踐活動形態的法律文化。法律體系問題主要屬于規范制度形態的法律文化,而法系的問題主要屬于意識觀念形態和實踐活動形態的法律文化。由于實行"一國兩制",在"兩岸三地"即中國大陸、香港、澳門和臺灣存在著多種法律體系與法系,這是"中國特色"的體現。中國特色社會主義法律體系形成之后,我們還可以在"一國兩制"的視野下,繼續探討法律文化的同一性與多樣性問題,對中西方法律文化中蘊藏的優秀精神——對法治的崇尚和對統治的信念,通過實踐不斷地選擇,融化成一種嶄新的、先進的法律文化體系,將法治精神與民族精神融為一體,建成法治國家。
【Abstract】 The concept and extension of legal culture is reflected in three aspects: the norms, awareness and practices. The legal system belongs to the "norms" part of legal culture, as the system of law belongs to the "awareness" and "practices" part. Because of the implementation of "one country two systems”, there are varieties of legal systems and systems of law in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, which is the embodiment of the "China’s characteristics”. After the formation of the socialist legal system of China’s characteristics, we can also continue to explore the identity and diversity of the legal culture in view of "one country two systems."
【關鍵詞】 法律文化; 法律體系; 法系; 中國特色; 同一性; 多樣性;
【Key words】 legal culture legal system system of law with China’s characteristics identity diversity;
2 、論慎刑理念對古代司法運行機制的影響 林明(山東大學法學院);
【摘要】 慎刑理念作為中國傳統司法文化的重要組成部分,是傳統司法文化中最能夠代表主流司法理念的內容。所謂"慎刑"就是主張在適用法律、實施刑罰時應該審慎、寬緩,無論立法、司法都必須崇德,施用刑罰要慎重從事。儒家秉持的人本主義,"仁政"理念,為政以德和"執中致和"等思想是慎刑理念發展延續的理論基礎。慎刑理念主要在司法機構設置、司法官吏的執法要求和違法責任的追究、司法審判方式和原則、訴訟審判程序等方面對古代司法制度的設計與運行產生了十分重要的影響。研究這種理念、制度的發生和存在的意義在于不僅可以加深我們對中國傳統司法文化特征及其歷史價值的認識,而且對于我們如何在當代的社會主流文化中創新與時代發展相適應的司法理念和司法制度,具有啟示意義。
【Abstract】 The idea of careful criminal punishment is one vital part of traditional Chinese judicial culture, a representative of the mainstream thought in traditional judicial culture. The coral spirit of careful criminal punishment is the proposition that whenever a law is enforced and a form of punishment is imposed, doing so needs due deliberation and leniency; that both legislation and judiciary should submit to the moral principles, and special attention should be paid to enforcement of punishment. The Confucian thoughts like humanism, the idea of "humanistic governance”, to govern by morality and the idea of "harmony by way of balance" are the ground stone for the ideas of careful criminal punishment to survive in history. The important influences that the ideas of careful criminal punishment have cast upon the judicial system are salient in respect of judicial institutions, attribution of responsibilities for judicial officials, the ways and principles of judicial adjudication, as well as the procedures. The value that study of these ideas may generate is that our knowledge about traditional Chinese judicial culture and its historical value will thus be deepened, and it is also enlightening for us who are in the middle of the mainstream of the current social and cultural movements to reshape our judicial ideas and institutions and bring them up to the date.
【關鍵詞】 慎刑; 德主刑輔; 明德慎罰; 儒家; 司法機制;
【Key words】 careful criminal punishment moral with punishment clear moral with careful criminal punishment Confucianism judicial institutions;
3、 農民工權利司法救濟路徑探析 黃進才(河南師范大學法學院);
【摘要】 當前,我國農民工權利的保護仍存在諸多問題,各種歧視、克扣、剝奪農民工應得權益的現象依然普遍存在,通過法律路徑保護農民工權利已變得刻不容緩,而司法救濟又是其中最權威、最有效的一種路徑。在司法救濟方面一是要建立完善的民事訴訟機制,二是要構建健全的勞動爭議處理模式,三是要建立完善的訴費救助制度,四是要建立完善的法律援助機制,以期農民工權利受損時能得到及時有效的救濟。
【Abstract】 There are so many obvious deficiencies in the protection system for rights of immigrant workers that their rights are often impaired and deprived universally in China. This demands immediate attention on the protection on the rights of immigrant workers through reforming the China’s legal system. Since the judicial remedy system are the most effective and authoritative way for rights protection, the author presents four points on the improvement of the judicial remedy system for immigrant workers: the first is to improve the present civil law procedure relating to the protection of immigrant workers, the second is to establish a complete settlement mechanism of labor disputes, the third is to reform the litigation costs system to help immigrant workers, and the last is to strengthen the legal aid mechanism. And the author expects that the impaired rights of immigrant workers could be immediately and effectively relieved by the suggestions above mentioned.
【關鍵詞】 司法救濟; 民事訴訟機制; 勞動爭議處理模式; 訴費救助制度; 法律援助機制;
【Key words】 judicial remedy system civil law procedure settlement mechanism of labor disputes litigation costs system legal aid
4 、流浪兒童乞討權規制的法理思考 陳雄(河南工業大學法學院);
【摘要】 當下中國城市有一個令人痛心的圖景,那就是流浪乞討兒童的大量存在。要從根本上保障流浪乞討兒童的權益,就要立法禁止兒童乞討,建立起對相關人員和機構的責任追究制度,從制度上防范兒童流浪乞討。同時,應化解在城市生活的農村戶籍兒童所面臨的物質和精神層面的諸種現實難題,踐行保障兒童權益的國際法基本原則。 更多還原
【Abstract】 Contemporary Chinese cities have a distressing picture,i.e.,there are a lot of street children. To safeguard street children’ rights, it is necessary to enact laws to prohibit child begging, and establish an accountability system for personnel and institutions. At the same time, to resolve unites in practical problem of the rural household in the city life faced by children in the material and spiritual level, to practice the principles of international law.
【關鍵詞】 流浪兒童; 乞討; 立法禁止;
【Key words】 street children beg legislation to ban;
5、 試論證券投資者保護基金有限責任公司在證券公司破產中的作用 王欣新;亢力(中國人民大學法學院);
【摘要】 我國于2005年8月成立了中國證券投資者保護基金有限責任公司,公司成立后參與大量證券公司的風險處置與破產程序,對保護投資者利益,推動證券公司有序退市,維護資本市場穩定發揮了重要作用。但因立法對保護基金公司在證券公司破產程序中的地位尤其是在債權人會議中的特殊地位及權利義務缺乏具體規定,使其在履行職責方面遇到一些困難。本文介紹了保護基金公司成立的特殊背景、性質及其在證券公司風險處置和破產中的現實作用,結合證券公司破產的實踐,研究保護基金公司參與證券公司破產清算的主要問題,考察境外類似機構在證券公司破產清算中的特殊作用和經驗,分析保護基金公司在債權人會議中的作用,并提出制定《證劵投資者保護基金條例》的建議,以完善證劵公司破產的若干具體制度規定。
【Abstract】 In August 2005,China Securities Investor Protection Fund Corporation (SIPF) was founded. After its establishment, it took part in a large number of cases about risk treatments and bankruptcy proceedings of securities companies, and played an important role in protecting the interests of investors, promoting the withdrawal from the market orderly of the securities companies, maintaining the stability of the financial market and so on. But because there are lack of specific rules about the status of SIPF in bankruptcy proceedings of securities companies, especially in the aspect of meeting of creditors,SIPF faces some difficulties when it performs its duties. This article is written on the basis of SIPF’s research project "The Role of the SIPF in Creditors’ Meeting”, and is written in the view of how to strengthen the influence of the SIPF in the securities companies’ bankruptcy. This article introduces the special background of the establishment of the SIPF,the nature and the practical effect in the risk treatment and bankruptcy of the securities companies.Besides,it researches the main problems occurring in the process of SIPF’s participation of the securities companies bankruptcy, studies the special effects and experiences other similar agencies playing in the process of securities companies bankruptcy, and analyses the effects that the SIPF makes in the creditors’ meetings combined with practice of bankruptcy of the securities corporations, and then the article will give some legislative proposals about the improvement of relative legal institutions.
【關鍵詞】 保護基金公司; 證券公司破產; 債權人會議;
【Key words】 SIPF securities companies bankruptcy meeting of creditors;
6 、有擔保債權在公司重整程序中的限制 季境(西南政法大學應用法學院);田曉(太平洋證劵股份有限公司);
【摘要】 在傳統破產法上,有擔保債權一直處于一種較為優越的地位,無論是破產清算程序還是破產和解程序,都較少對該種權利及其權利人產生實質的影響。重整制度的出現打破了這一既有狀態,為了實現債務人重建與復興的目標,需要對有擔保債權的內容及其行使進行必要的限制,這種限制應具體反映在重整法律的制度設計中,如此即能夠完成債務人重建與復興的目標,也能同時兼顧相關債權人的利益。
【Abstract】 In traditional bankruptcy law, the secured creditors have been in a more advantageous position, whether the bankruptcy liquidation procedure or the conciliation proceedings affect the realization of their rights. The reorganization system change the traditional rules, in order to achieve the goal of the editor’s reconstruction and rehabilitation, the secured claims should be limited to some degree. These kinds of restrictions should be reflected in design of specific legal rules, not only for completing the goal of reconstruction, but also taking into account the relevant interests of creditors.
【關鍵詞】 公司重整; 有擔保債權; 限制;
【Key words】 company reorganization secured claims restriction;
7 、論違約金的性質——以《合同法》第114條為視角 孫瑞璽(中國石油大學);
【摘要】 我國《合同法》第114條約定違約金的性質得由當事人自由約定。對違約金的性質沒有約定或者約定不明確的,當事人可以通過補充協議的方式來約定或者明確違約金的性質。不能達成補充協議,應當通過補充性解釋來確定違約金的性質。以上方法依次用盡,仍不能確定約定違約金的性質的,應當認定約定違約金的性質是賠償性為主、懲罰性為輔。《合同法》第114條第3款是賠償性違約金,不是懲罰性違約金。《合同法》第114條第1款"約定因違約產生的損失賠償額的計算方法"得出的損害賠償額是賠償性違約金。
【Abstract】 The nature of the liquidated damages of Article 114 of PRC Contract Law should be agreed on freely by the parties. On the legal nature of liquidated damages with no or unclear stipulation, the parties may agree to or stipulate it through supplementary agreement. In case of failure in doing so, the parties should confirm the legal nature of liquidated damages by supplementary explanations. If they still cannot determine the legal nature of liquidated damages with the above method used, the parties should determine its compensation nature of the liquidated damages, with supplementary punishment. Article 114 Clause 3 of PRC Contract Law stipulates the compensation liquidated damages, not punitive damages. Article 114 Clause 1 of PRC Contract Law, upon the calculating method of compensation for losses resulting from the breach of contract obtaining the amount of damages, is the compensation liquidated damages.
【關鍵詞】 《合同法》第114條; 約定違約金; 法定違約金; 賠償性違約金; 懲罰性違約金; 任意性規范; 補充性解釋;
【Key words】 Article 114 of PRC Contract Law liquidated damages and statutory damages compensation of liquidated damages and punitive damages arbitrary norms supplementary explanations;
8 、土地征收行政復議中申請人的認定 李延榮(中國人民大學法學院蘇州研究院);張巖(北京市人民政府法制辦公室);
【摘要】 土地征收行政復議案件具有明顯的特殊性,作為申請人的土地權利人的情況比較復雜,導致復議案件中申請人資格的認定有一定難度。在具體的復議案件中,申請人的認定除依據一般標準外,還應考慮申請人提起復議所針對的具體行政行為,視不同具體行政行為來判定申請人是否適格,可以減輕申請人認定的難度,對于提高土地征收行政復議案件審查的效率、維護申請人的合法權益,都具有積極意義。
【Abstract】 Cases of land expropriation administrative reconsideration have obvious particularity. The situation of the land rights holders, as applicants, is more complex, which makes it harder to recognize the qualifications of the applicants in the administrative reconsideration. This article holds the view that the identification of the applicants in specific cases, except pursuant to the general standards, the specific administrative action which the applicants bring against should also be taken into consideration so that whether the applicants are qualified or cannot be judged based on such different specific administrative action, which is of great positive significance that it can alleviate the difficulties of applicant identification, improve the efficiency of the administrative reconsideration of land expropriation, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant in a timely manner.
【關鍵詞】 土地征收; 行政復議; 申請人; 資格認定;
【Key words】 land expropriation administrative reconsideration applicant qualification;
9 、我國農村土地家庭承包經營權的權利主體探究 肖立梅(山東政法學院);
【摘要】 家庭承包是農村土地承包經營中非常重要的一種方式,家庭承包經營權的權利主體是集體經濟組織成員還是農戶直接影響到了該權利的利益歸屬以及存續過程中的權利變更。結合我國農村歷史發展狀況和現行法律的立法目的,應該明確家庭承包經營權的實質權利主體應為集體經濟組織成員,該權利具有成員權的屬性,是農村集體經濟組織成員人人平等享有的權利,農戶只是家庭承包中的形式主體。
【Abstract】 Household contract is an important form of land contractual management in rural areas. The subject of contractual management right on household basis has influenced the profit ownership of the right and the alteration of the existing right. Considering the countryside history development condition and the legal goal of the law in effect, we confirm that the substance subject of the right of household contractual management shall be member of collective economic organization, and this right has nature of right to membership, which is enjoyed by every member of the collective economic organization. The farm family is only a formal subject of household contract.
【關鍵詞】 家庭承包; 權利主體; 集體經濟組織成員; 農戶;
【Key words】 household contract subject of right member of collective economic organization farm family;
10 、法律視角下農業企業與農戶間的關系探析 范少虹(華南師范大學);
【摘要】 我國農業龍頭企業與農戶間應形成利益共享、風險共擔的機制,連接二者利益關系的行為具有民事法律性,但基層政府意志的滲透和交易主體地位事實不對等等因素,使這種一般屬性的民事法律行為具有了特殊性。據此,從農戶、農業龍頭企業和政府三個層面分析各自的權義結構,致力于權利、義務的較優分配與組合,可以獲得最優的履約承諾和信任,實現農業龍頭企業與農戶的良性有序發展。
【Abstract】 The leading agricultural enterprises and farmers should form the benefit-sharing, risk-sharing mechanism, the act connecting the two benefits has a civil legal, because of the will of the government infiltration and the main transaction parts’ position unequal, so that the kinds of general property has the particularity of civil legal action.Accordingly,this article from the farmers, leading agricultural enterprises and the government, analyses their respective rights and obligations. The rights and obligations have better allocation and portfolio in order to obtain optimal performance commitments and the confidence in leading agricultural enterprises and farmers.
【關鍵詞】 農業龍頭企業; 民事法律性; 權義結構;
【Key words】 leading agricultural enterprises civil legal the structure of right and obligation;
11 、我國合同能源管理法律關系探究 王曉明(北京聯合大學應用文理學院);
【摘要】 我國從國外引進的合同能源管理是一種推廣節省能源新技術的模式,在實際運行中需要協調與整合技術、資金、設施建設與項目管理等多方面的關系,因而,我國對合同能源管理、能源管理合同屬性的認識比較模糊,并存在多種看法。為此,必須厘清合同能源管理所涉及的法律關系,充分解析能源管理合同的法律屬性,分析把握合同能源管理運營中資產等所有權歸屬問題,在我國現有法律體系框架范圍內,正確、有效地調整合同能源管理關系,積極促進節能新技術在全社會的推廣、普及。
【Abstract】 Energy performance contracting that China introduced from abroad is a model of energy saving technology application and promotion, it needs to coordination and integrate the relations among technology,capital,infrastructure construction, project management and other aspects during the practical operation. At present, people in China have multiple views on the contract attribute of energy performance contracting, and energy-saving service,therefore,we must clarify the legal relations of energy performance contracting,analyse the equipment ownership problems during the operation of energy performance contracting, grasp the legal attribute of energy performance contracting correctly. In our existing legal system framework, we must adjust the relations of energy performance contracting, and extend the new energy saving technology in the whole society.
【關鍵詞】 合同能源管理; 能源管理合同; 法律屬性; 法律調整;
【Key words】 energy performance contracting energy saving service mechanism legal relationship legal regulation;
12 、我國《勞動合同法》中的告知義務研究 丁啟明;楊鐵軍(大慶師范大學法學院);
【摘要】 《勞動合同法》設置告知義務的目的是保障當事人之間信息順暢流通,促使信息實現均衡,在此基礎上,通過對該法中與告知義務有關法條的深度解釋,使告知義務在法律實踐中發揮出更積極的作用。
【Abstract】 The aim of the informed obligation which is set in China Labor Contract Law is to main the information smoothing between the parties, and promotes the balance of information. For this reason, the relative articles with informed obligation in this act would be interpreted, and the informed obligation would have the positive effects in legal practice.
【關鍵詞】 勞動合同; 告知義務; 責任;
【Key words】 labor contract informed obligation duty;
13 、被保險人施救義務比較研究 伍堅(華東政法大學);
【摘要】 在人壽保險以外的其他類型保險中,被保險人應在事故發生后承擔施救義務。被保險人應主動履行施救義務,如果保險人就如何施救給出指示,被保險人應遵照執行。被保險人履行施救義務時發生的必要、合理費用,保險人應予以補償,但補償金額原則上不應超過保險金額。如果被保險人違反施救義務,保險人對由此發生或者擴大的損失不負賠付責任。
【Abstract】 In all kinds of insurance except life insurance, the insured shall have an obligation to prevent or mitigate losses after an insured risk occurs. The insured should take the initiative to perform this obligation, and should obey the instructions of the insurer. All the necessary and reasonable costs paid by the insured to prevent or mitigate the losses shall be covered by the insurer. If the insured fails to perform the obligation, and as a result, the losses occur or enlarge, the insurer does not bear the liability for indemnity.
【關鍵詞】 被保險人; 施救義務; 施救費用; 法律后果;
【Key words】 the insured obligation of preventing or mitigating losses costs paid to prevent or mitigate the losses the legal consequences;
14 、銷售假冒注冊商標的商品罪停止形態研究 劉憲權;張巍(華東政法大學);
【摘要】 銷售假冒注冊商標的商品罪具有未遂形態,應以15萬元和25萬元分別作為本罪未遂數額較大和數額巨大的標準。在既、未遂形態并存時,只要已售部分達到既遂數額標準,就應整體評價為犯罪既遂。既、未遂并存的量刑模式在兩部分均符合相應形態數額標準的前提下,應選擇性適用先并后定再調整或先定后并二次調整以有利于被告人;在僅有單一部分達到相應形態數額標準時,不應對另一部分僅作為量刑情節考慮。
【Abstract】 Crime of Selling Commodities Bearing Counterfeited Registered Trademarks has its attempt form. The standard by which to evaluate whether the amount of sales sums up to relatively large or huge should be 150,000 or 250,000 RMB.If a crime consists of both attempt part and accomplished part, it should be considered as entirely the accomplished one as long as the accomplished part meets the least standard of crime. In favor of the defendant, when both parts exist and reach the crime level, sentences should be made according to either rule as sentence after combination with further adjustment, or combination after sentence with twice adjustment. In the situation that only one part meets the crime, sentence shouldn’t be made without considering the other part.
【關鍵詞】 銷售; 假冒注冊商標; 商品; 停止形態; 未遂; 數額;
【Key words】 selling counterfeited registered trademarks commodities cessation pattern attempt crime;
15 、論主客觀相統一原則在犯罪論中的貫徹——兼論丟失槍支不報罪的犯罪構成 魏建文(西南政法大學);
【摘要】 主客觀相統一原則要求犯罪成立要符合主觀要件與客觀要件之間的統一。但是,當成立犯罪要求發生實質性的危害結果時,就出現了貫徹該原則難以解決的理論難題。對于"丟失槍支不報罪"等以發生嚴重后果為構成要件的犯罪情形,實踐中所犯的普遍性錯誤就在于割裂了行為結果與行為性質的聯系,將行為人對一般違法性質的認識因素當做對刑法的嚴重危害性質的認識予以評價,從而得出行為人行為時出于故意的錯誤結論。因此,《刑法》將沒有必然聯系的"不報告行為"與"嚴重結果"規定為丟失槍支不報罪的客觀要件,忽視了丟失槍支行為才是嚴重后果發生的真正原因。為此建議將該罪罪名改為"丟失槍支罪",以使該原則在犯罪論領域得到貫徹。
【Abstract】 The Principle of Correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity requires that the establishment of a crime should accord with the correspondence between the subjective elements and the objective elements.However,when the crime of establishing needs the substantiality harmful consequences to be happened, a theory problem which is difficult and hard to solve would appear during implementing such principle. For this purpose, this article would go on the analysis from the cognition factors of purposive "know perfectly well”, combining the case of "losing the firearms without reporting the crime" and some other cases which also take the severe consequences happened as the situations of committing a crime of constitution elements, thinking that the universality mistakes which are made during the practice are because the relationship between the result of action and the nature of action is cut apart, it has taken the doer’s cognition factors towards the nature of general irregularity as the cognition of severe harmful nature of criminal law and gives estimates, thus reaching the wrong conclusion that the action of the doer is purposive.Therefore,the criminal law prescribes that "action without reporting" and "severe consequences" which lack of positive connection should be the objective elements of "losing the firearms without reporting the crime”, which ignores the real reason of happening the severe consequences is the action of losing the firearms. For this purpose, the article suggests that the crime should be changed as "the crime of losing the firearms”, which would make the principle performed in the field of Criminal Theory.
【關鍵詞】 主客觀相統一原則; 故意; 明知; 丟失槍支不報罪;
【Key words】 the principle of correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity purposive know perfectly well losing the firearms without
16 、刑法規范對非刑事法律規范的獨立性闡釋研究 吳允鋒(華東政法大學);
【摘要】 刑法規范在對非刑事法律規范具有一定依附性的同時,更表現出作為刑法規范本身的獨立性。由于立法技術的要求、刑法規范目的的需要以及法律法規變遷等原因,在刑法規范解釋過程中,對一些刑法概念、用語的解釋不能當然地依據法律、行政法規的相關規定,在運用適當的解釋規則的前提下,對刑法用語做出不同于法律、行政法規的解釋并不當然違背罪刑法定原則。非刑事法律規范對某些概念外延所做出的擴大適用的指引性規則亦并不當然適用于刑法領域,刑法中對此仍應做出獨立性的適用。
【Abstract】 While being dependent on non-criminal norm to certain degree, criminal norm has it own independence. Due to the legislative requirements, regulative needs of criminal norm and changes in laws, interpretation of some concepts and terms in criminal law should not be necessarily based on relevant provisions in other laws and administrative regulations when explaining criminal norms. While following proper interpretative rules, it is not against the principal that crime and punishment should be provided by law if explanations of certain terms in criminal law are different from those made according to other laws and administrative regulations. Guidelines for expanding the application of non-criminal norm to some concepts are not applicable in criminal law, which should be followed independently.
【關鍵詞】 刑法規范; 非刑事法律規范; 獨立性;
【Key words】 criminal norm non-criminal norm independence;
17 、誘惑性偵查比較研究 謝安平(北京工商大學法學院);
【摘要】 誘惑性偵查違背了罪刑法定原則,違反了刑事訴訟的被動性和程序正義理念,并且通過誘惑性偵查所取得的證據是非法證據。因而,原則上應當禁止誘惑性偵查。但是,為了打擊犯罪的需要,在例外情況下,可以允許有條件地使用誘惑性偵查手段。
【Abstract】 From the point of criminal law, temptation investigation betrays the principle of legality. From the point of criminal procedure, it betrays the passivity of criminal procedure and the idea of procedural justice. From the point of criminal evidence law, the evidence obtained by the temptation investigation is illegal. Generally speaking, temptation investigation should be prohibited, but exceptional cases should be permitted while we should put strict limits on some cases.
【關鍵詞】 誘惑性偵查; 禁止; 例外情況;
【Key words】 temptation investigation prohibit exceptional cases;
18 、《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》適用于香港的法理依據 李薇薇(深圳大學法學院);
【摘要】 《香港特別行政區基本法》第39條規定,《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》適用于香港的規定繼續有效。《公約》在香港繼續適用的理論基礎不是傳統意義上的條約繼承,也不是國際法上的禁止反言原則,而是"一國兩制"理論在條約繼承上的一種制度創新。《香港特別行政區基本法》在處理人權條約的繼承方面既體現了國家主權、高度自治這一根本原則,又特別重視連續性原則和人權保護原則。
【Abstract】 According to the Basic law Article 39,the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as applied to Hong Kong shall remain in force. The continued applicability of ICCPR does not base on traditional theory of treaty succession, nor on the estoppels in international law. It is the system innovation in the practice of "one country two systems" in respect of treaty succession. As to the human rights treaty succession, the Basic Law has insisted on fundamental principle of sovereignty and autonomy and also gives special emphasis on the continuity and human rights.
【關鍵詞】 國際人權公約; 條約繼承; 一國兩制;
【Key words】 international human rights convention succession to treaties one country two systems;
19 、試論國際商事仲裁制度與中國—東盟知識產權爭議解決的契合 高蘭英;宋志國(桂林電子科技大學法學院);
【摘要】 隨著中國—東盟經貿往來的加強,中國—東盟知識產權爭議隨之激增,在訴訟無法滿足知識產權爭議特殊要求的情況下,仲裁以其優勢引起人們的關注。國際商事仲裁制度的專業性、高效性、秘密性、靈活性、國際性等特點與解決中國—東盟知識產權爭議的各種要求完全可以契合。但是,必須提高爭議當事人運用仲裁解決爭議的意識,指引當事人選擇適當的仲裁機構,完善我國有關仲裁的法律規定,加強仲裁機構建設。
【Abstract】 With the reinforcement of the economy and trade between China and Association of Southeast Asian Nations, intellectual property rights disputes have increased. Because the lawsuit is unable to meet the special needs of settling intellectual property disputes, arbitration arouses more interest by its advantages. The characteristics of international commercial arbitration, such as specialization,efficiency,secrecy,flexibility,internationalism can definitely agree with different needs of solving China-ASEAN intellectual property rights disputes. As a result, we must enhance the party’s awareness of submitting to arbitration, direct the litigants to select the suitable arbitration agencies, consummate arbitration laws in our country and strengthen the capacity of arbitration institution.
【關鍵詞】 中國—東盟; 知識產權爭議; 國際商事仲裁;
【Key words】 China-ASEAN intellectual property disputes international commercial arbitration;
20 、責任政府:內涵、形式與構建路徑 溫輝(國家檢察官學院);
【摘要】 依現代民主政治的發展,責任政府的外延已由責任內閣制政府擴展至所有民主政府。就責任政府而言,責任應是民主政府系統中的核心要素。我國責任政府體制包括兩個組成部分:一是政治問責制,即國家行政機關要對國家權力機關負責,國家行政機關首長要對自己機關的全面工作向國家權力機關負政治責任。二是行政問責制,即行政首長要對整個行政機關的工作負全面責任,行政首長具有對政府組成部門及其首長、下級行政機關及其首長、公務員的行政問責權力。目前我國行政問責在理論、實踐上還存在一些問題。從行政問責逐漸發展到政治問責是我國責任政府建構之路徑。
【Abstract】 With the development of modern democratic politics, the responsible government means not only the cabinet system of government, but also all democratic governments. With regard to the responsible government, the responsibility should be the core element. The system of responsible government in China includes two components: one is political accountability, which means administrative organs of the state are responsible to the organ of state power, and means the heads of administrative organs of the state assume overall responsibility for the work to the organs of state power; another is administrative accountability, which means the subordinate departments of administrative organs of the state and their heads, administrative organs at lower levels and their heads, officials are responsible to the heads of administrative organs. At present our administrative accountability still has some problems in theory and practice. Our responsible government should develop gradually from the administrative accountability to political accountability.
【關鍵詞】 責任政府; 行政問責; 政治問責; 構建路徑;
【Key words】 responsible government administrative accountability political accountability;
21 、法律修改時條文序號整理模式分析 陳甦(中國社會科學院法學研究所);
【摘要】 修改法律要伴隨著法律條文序號的整理,在我國的立法實踐中,基本上是采用全部條文重排的模式。但是,在法律修改時采用全部條文序號重排模式具有嚴重的弊端,容易引起相關法律制度不必要的連鎖修改,容易導致因修改法律而產生技術性的疏漏,容易擾亂法律共同體的集體記憶,容易妨礙對既有法學文獻的順暢閱讀。因此,在法律修改時根據條文刪除或增加的情況,選用適當的條文序號整理模式是有很大社會效益的立法技術措施。
【Abstract】 Revision of a law is almost always accompanied by the adjustment of the numbering of provisions in the law. In its legislative practice, China basically adopts the mode of renumbering of all provisions in a law during its revision.However,this mode has serious drawbacks: it can easily lead to such problems as unnecessary chain revisions of the relevant laws, technical omissions resulting from the revision of laws, disruption of the collective memories of the legal community, and impediment to the smooth reading of the existing legal literature.Therefore,adopting an appropriate mode of adjusting the numbers of provisions in a law in light of the deletion or supplementation of provisions during its revision is a legislative technique that can have significant social effects.
【關鍵詞】 法律修改; 條文序號; 條文刪加率;
【Key words】 revision of law numbering of provisions in a law rate of deletion and supplementation of provisions during the revision of a law;
22 、從憲法到普通法:法律文本里的地方立法權流變考 袁明圣(江西財經大學法學院);
【摘要】 地方立法權的存在和運用必須有明確的憲法、法律依據,此乃法治之基本要求。而根據我國《憲法》之規定,除民族自治地方的人大享有自治條例和單行條例的制定權外,僅授予省、直轄市人大及其常委會以地方性法規制定權。其他地方國家政權機關,包括自治區人大及其常委會,以及"較大的市"的人大及其常委會的地方性法規制定權、地方人民政府的規章制定權等,則是分別通過《地方組織法》、全國人大或其常委會的相關授權決定的方式所獲得的,并最終為《立法法》所確認。
【Abstract】 The existence and use of local legislative must have a clear constitutional and legal basis. This is the basic requirements of the rule of law. According to the Constitution, except the people’s congresses of national autonomous areas have the power to enact autonomous regulations and specific regulations; only grant the people’s congresses and their standing committees of provinces and municipalities to rulemaking authority. Other local authorities, including the people’s congresses and their standing committees of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and "large cities ", their power comes from Local Organization Act and National People’s Congress or its Standing Committee’s authorization decision, and the power was finally confirmed by Legislative Act.
【關鍵詞】 地方立法權; 流變; 文本考察;
【Key words】 local legislation transformation text study;
23 、憲法在中國特色社會主義法律體系中的地位與作用 安然(中國社會科學院研究生院);
【摘要】 我國已建立以憲法為統帥的中國特色社會主義法律體系,明確憲法在中國特色社會主義法律體系中的地位,認清憲法與部門法的關系是關鍵,憲法的統帥作用將有利于中國特色社會主義法律體系的不斷完善,有利于社會主義法制的統一。
【Abstract】 Our country has set up the constitution as the captain’s socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. Clearing the constitution in the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics in the position and recognizing relationship of the constitution and law is the key. The leader of the constitutional role will be good for the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and perfect the socialist legal system’s unification.
【關鍵詞】 憲法; 統帥; 中國特色社會主義法律體系; 地位; 作用;
【Key words】 constitution captain socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics position function;
24 、票據效力認定研究 鄒德剛;王艷梅(吉林大學法學院);
【摘要】 票據效力認定問題是適用票據法解決票據糾紛、判斷票據上權利義務的起點。基于票據商業貨幣的屬性,流通性和信用性構成了票據的生命力。為了實現和保障流通性,產生了票據的諸多理念和規則。票據作為有價證券的基本屬性是票據效力認定的基礎;要式證券性是決定票據效力的因素;在對票據效力進行解釋時,必須遵循有效性解釋原則。
【Abstract】 Defining the effectiveness of negotiable instrument serves as the origin to choose the applicable method to solve disputes and to judge rights and obligations. Based on its attribute of commercial currency, liquidity and credit constitute the vitality of negotiable instrument. Concepts and rules are made in order to realize and secure the liquidity. So as to define the effectiveness, we shall set the marketable security, the basic attribute, as the foundation; typed securities as the decisive factor. What’s more, the effectiveness interpretation principle must be obeyed.
【關鍵詞】 票據效力; 有價證券; 要式證券; 有效性解釋;
【Key words】 effectiveness of negotiable instrument securities typed securities Effectiveness interpretation principle;
25 、在合法與非法之間——未經許可創作的演繹作品之著作權辨析 邱寧(重慶理工大學);
【摘要】 未經許可創作的演繹作品因其特殊性而游走于合法與非法之間。相對于原作品而言,未發表的未經許可創作的演繹作品是合法作品,公開使用的未經許可創作的演繹作品卻是侵權作品。而相對于侵犯演繹作品的第三人而言,無論未發表還是公開使用的未經許可創作的演繹作品均因其凝聚了演繹人的智力勞動而具有合法性,應受到我國《著作權法》的保護。
【Abstract】 Unauthorized deductive works wanders between legality and illegality for its particularity. Relative to the original works, unauthorized deductive works will be legal when it isn’t published, but it will be illegal when it was used in public. Relative to the tortious third-party, unauthorized deductive works is legal because of its owner’s intellective work, so it shall be protected in accordance with the Copyright Law.
【關鍵詞】 演繹作品; 發表; 公開使用; 許可;
【Key words】 deductive works publication public use authorize;
26 、金融資源公平配置與金融監管法律制度的完善 田春雷(遼寧大學法學院);
【摘要】 金融資源觀的提出為法學研究提供了新視角。目前我國城市與農村之間、不同所有制經濟體之間金融資源配置嚴重不均衡,已經影響了社會公平。趕超戰略下的金融監管制度設計偏差是金融資源配置失衡的重要原因。為實現金融資源配置的公平,需要構建包容性的金融監管法律制度,具體包括包容的金融市場準入制度和公平的金融市場退出制度。
【Abstract】 The concept of financial resources provides a new perspective for legal research. Currently the allocation of financial resources between urban and rural areas, and the allocation between different forms of ownership economy are seriously unfair, which has affected the social equity. Deviation of the financial regulation system design under the catching up strategy is the reason for the unfair allocation of financial resources. In order to realize the fair allocation, inclusive financial supervision system is needed. It includes an inclusive financial market access system and an fair financial market withdrawal system.
【關鍵詞】 金融資源; 公平配置; 金融監管法律制度;
【Key words】 financial resources fair allocation financial supervision system;
27 、社會正義的司法演繹——周美知申訴案法理評析 李江發(湘潭大學法學院);
【摘要】 正義是社會的價值追求,法是社會正義的表達,正義的司法是能夠滿足社會公眾利益最大化要求的司法。周美知等人不服不起訴決定申訴案的受理和查處,實現了民眾情感、社會公理和法律規范的有機結合,揭示了在構建和諧社會的語境下司法決定和社會正義價值認同的必要性與可行性。
【Abstract】 Justice is the pursuit of social value, while law is the expression of social justice. Justice of the judicial can meet the he requirements of justice to maximize the public interest. The appeal case acceptance and investigation of Zhou Meizhi,who is against the decision of not to prosecute, to achieve the people’s emotions, social justice and the combination of legal specification, revealed in the context of building a harmonious society, judicial decisions and the recognition of social justice is necessity and feasibility.
【關鍵詞】 社會正義; 司法為民; 法理評析;
【Key words】 social justice justice for the people legal assessment;
28 、論程序對刑事審判權的制約——基于程序自身特性的分析 施亞芬(國際關系學院);
【摘要】 程序具有限制權力恣意運行的效用已成為一種共識。刑事審判權作為一種國家權力,也受到來自程序的制約。這種制約與程序的角色分化性、交涉性、安定性、自治性等程序自身的一些特性有重要關系。
【Abstract】 It has become a consensus that the procedure can restrict abuse of any power. AS a kind of state power, criminal trial power also is restricted by the procedure, which has important relations with such characteristics of the criminal procedure as role differentiation, negotiation, stability, self-government.
【關鍵詞】 刑事審判權; 程序特性; 程序制約;
【Key words】 criminal trial power characteristics of criminal procedure procedural control;
29 、論我國死刑制度的實質性改革——以《刑法修正案(八)》削減死刑罪名為視角 楊俊(華東政法大學);
【摘要】 《刑法修正案(八)》的出臺引起社會高度關注,因為與以往歷次《刑法》修正案相比,本次《刑法》修改可以說是幅度和力度最大的一次。《刑法修正案(八)》的亮點之一就是削減了死刑罪名,由于死刑是剝奪犯罪人生命的刑罰,因其嚴厲性、殘酷性、非人道性和不可糾正性而長期為人所詬病,死刑之存廢也是學界一直關注和爭論的焦點問題,然而,就我國現階段而言,對死刑依然保持現狀或輕言完全廢除都不可取,更重要的應當是在刑事立法和司法適用上對死刑進行有步驟地、漸進式地改革。從此意義上說,《刑法修正案(八)》充分表明我國已進入對死刑的實質性改革階段。
【Abstract】 The promulgation of Criminal Law Amendment Ⅷ have been paid more and more attention by the whole society, because compared with other past criminal law amendment, this amendment of criminal law is maximal in scope and potency dimension. One of the highlights of Criminal Law Amendment Ⅷ is reducing accusations for death penalty. Death penalty is a kind of punishment on depriving the offender’s life, which become an object of public denunciation owing to its severe,cruel,inhuman and irreversible, so there are many arguments about its existing or abolishing for death penalty.However,it’s desirable to both keep status quo and abolish absolutely, it’s prior to reform death penalty in criminal legislation and juridical application. In this sense, Criminal Law Amendment Ⅷ has made it known that our country is entering the stage of substantive reform of death penalty.
【關鍵詞】 《刑法修正案(八)》; 死刑罪名; 改革;
【Key words】 Criminal Law Amendment Ⅷ accusations for death penalty reform;
30 、操縱證券市場罪的認定——以汪建中案為中心 黎旸(清華大學法學院);
【摘要】 《刑法》規定的操縱證券市場罪行為,和《證券法》規定的操縱證券市場行為的外延完全相同,只不過《刑法》進一步要求"情節嚴重"。"情節嚴重"中的"情節"既包含客觀行為的情節,也包括結果內容,但僅限于客觀違法方面的情節。只有將表明法益侵害嚴重的整體評價要素之"情節嚴重",定性為客觀的超過要素,才能準確認定操縱證券市場罪。
【Abstract】 Crime of rigging securities exchange has the same extension within both the Criminal Law and Securities Law while criminal responsibility requires one more extra element that is "Substantial Plot”. The "Substantial Plot" contains two objective elements which are plot of act and plot of result. In order to demonstrate the degree of harm done to the investor concurrent with "Substantial Plot" the general evaluating element, a concept of "the Excessive Objective Element" (EOE) shall be brought in to interpret the "Substantial Plot" while ruling on criminal responsibility on securities market manipulation.
【關鍵詞】 操縱證券市場罪; 情節嚴重; 整體評價要素; 客觀的超過要素;
【Key words】 criminal responsibility on securities market manipulation substantial plot the general evaluation element the Excessive Objective Element (EOE);
日期:2012-7-24 14:53:34 | 關閉 | 分享到: