[ 劉承韙 ]——(2012-3-21) / 已閱24957次
[25] Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.,The Path of the Law, 10 Harvard Law Review,457(1897).
[26]Lawrence Friedman, Contract Law in America: A Social and Economic Case Study,University of Wisconsin Press, 1965,p. 20.
[28]Melvin A. Eisenberg, Why There is No Law of Relational Contracts, 94 Northwestern University Law Review(2000),807.
[30]Oliver Wendell Holmes, Law in Science and Science in Law,in Collected Legal Papers 210, 238(1920).
[31]Melvin A. Eisenberg,見前注[28]。
[33]Brian Leiter, American Legal Realism, in Golding, Martin P. and William A. Edmundson(eds),TheBlackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Blackwell Publishing, 2004,P. 1.
[34]Lon L. Fuller, Williston on Contracts, 18 N. C. L. Rev. 1, 9(1939).轉(zhuǎn)引自(美)斯圖爾特·麥考利:“新老法律現(xiàn)實(shí)主義:‘今非昔比”,,范愉譯,《政法論壇》2006年第4期。
[38] Melvin Eisenberg,見前注[22]。
[39] Ian Macneil, Relational Contract; What We Do and Do not Know? 1985 Wis. L. Rev. 483.
[40] See Jay M. Feinman,見前注[1],Pp. 737,738。
[41] Sir Guenter Treitel, Some Landmarks of Twentieth Century Contract Law,Clarendon Press, 2002,p. 3
[42] Restatement of Contracts, Second, § 90.
[43]John E Murray. JR.,Contract Theories and The Rise of Neoformalism, 71 Fordham L. Rev. 869(2002).
[47] Melvin A. Eisenberg,見前注[28]。
[48] Melvin Eisenberg,見前注[22]。
[49] Jay M. Feinman,見前注[1],PP. 737,738
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