[ 崔明石 ]——(2005-1-30) / 已閱21590次
On the value of the intermediation procedure
____the reconstruction of our intermediation procedure
Abstract: “Intermediation procedure ”has some superiorities at intermediating dispute on time, guaranteeing the society stabilization, increasing to handle a case efficiently etc. Along with the development of the times, the intermediation procedure with originally planned economy Characteristics can't keep up with the step of the ages, and shortcomings appeases. The every kind of theories of the reformation to the “intermediation procedure ” put forward the some the construction of the mode from deferent angles. But they have some shortcomings because they don’t analyze from the value of the“ Intermediation procedure”. The article analyze from the procedure’s value——Justice and benefit, then put forward the different standpoint of the reconstruction of the“ intermediation procedure”.
Keyword: mediation value justice benefit
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