[ 劉成偉 ]——(2009-2-26) / 已閱60851次
2.2.4 Profit-Sharing not in Proportion 16
2.3 Features Peculiar to Each of the Common Vehicles 17
2.3.1 Features Peculiar to the WFOE 17 Not All Open Industries Available to
a WFOE 17 Single-Person WFOE 18
2.3.2 Features Peculiar to the EJV 19 Profit-Sharing Rigidly in Proportion 19 Negotiated Pricing of the Non-monetary
Assets Contribution 19
2.3.3 Features Peculiar to the CJV 20 Provision of ‘Cooperative Conditions’ 20 Advance Recovery of Investment 21
2.4 Company Name 22
2.5 Registered Capital 23
2.5.1 Capital Requirement 23
2.5.2 Contribution Assets 23
2.5.3 Capital Injection Schedule 25 Injection in One Lump Sum 25 Injection by Instalments 25 Legal Consequences of Default in
Capital Injection 26
2.5.4 FIFs with Less than Twenty-Five Per Cent Foreign
Capital 27
2.5.5 Capital Increase 28 Capital Increase in General 28 Capital Increase with Surplus Reserve or
Undistributed Profits 28
2.5.6 Capital Reduction 30
2.6 Total Investment Amount 32
2.7 Term of Operation 34
2.8 Corporate Governance Structure of an FIE 35
2.8.1 Board of Directors as the Power Organ for an
EJV or CJV 35
2.8.2 Shareholders’ Meeting / Sole Shareholder as the
Power Organ for a WFOE 35
2.8.3 Board of Supervisors or a Single Supervisor
Required for All FIEs 36
2.9 Establishment Procedures of an FIE 37
2.10 Liquidation of an FIE 44
2.11 Key Provisions at Issue 44
x Table of Contents
Chapter 3
Foreign Invested Holding Company (FIHC) 47
3.1 Introduction and Latest Developments 47
3.2 Establishment of an FIHC 48
3.2.1 Qualifications of the Investor 48
3.2.2 Registered Capital 48 Capital Injection 48 Contribution by Converting Paid-in
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