- 編號:16773
- 書名:英美合同法(法律英語輕松學)
- 作者:張自明 馬志
- 出版社:機械工業
- 出版時間:2004年4月
- 入庫時間:2004-12-14
- 定價:19.8
1.Whal is a Contract? 1
2.The FunctiOn 0f Contract R
3.The DeveIopment Of Contract 13
4.The Source Of Contract Law 1 9
5.The Assumptjons Of Perfect Markets and
Contract Law 26
6.The ExiSting Of Contract 3 1
7.VVhom does Contract Concern 36
8. IntentiOn t0 Creat LegaI ReIatiOn 41
9.Who Can Make a Contract 46
10.Is there a Contract 52
1 1.TypicaI Contracts ProyisiOn and I mpIied
ProyiSion 58
12. Requjrements Of ASsent and Definiteness 65
13.O仟er 70
14.Acceptance 75
15.The Limits Of Offer and Acceptance 81
16.B_IateraI and UniIateral Contrlact 86
17.The BattIe 0f Forms 91
18.Precontractual Liability 97
19.ConsideratjOn 104
20. COnstjtute C0nsideration 109
21. Estoppel l14
22. Beware the“ReasOnabIe Man” 120
23.MisrepresentatiOn 125
24.COmmOn Mistake 130
25.Illegal Contracts 136
26.Contracts in Restraint 0f Trade 14l
27.COnlracts with Minors 146
28.What are COntract’s Terms 152
29.ReDreSentatiOn Or Term 158
30.Written COntracts:Special RuIes 164
31.The PrOceSS Of InterpretatjOn 169
32.Key W0rds and Phrases jn C0ntracts l75
33.RuIe jn Aid 0f JnterDretatjOn 18l
34.Breach Of C0ntrlact 187
35.An Overview 0f Remedies of Contract 192
36.Party-Designed Remedies:Liquidated
Damages 197
37.Court-Imposed Remedies Of Contract:
Legal Relief 203
38.How t0 Compute Damages fOr Breach
Of Contract 210
39.Equitable Relief:Specific PerfOrmance
and Injunction 216
40.Contracts Of Sale 22 1
41.Consume Rights 226
42.Contract 0f Hire 232
43.Equal Employment Opportunity 238
44.Contract Of Insurance 244
45.Transport Contract 249
46.Debtor-Creditor Relations 253
47.A Sharecrop Contract 258
48.An Explosion 0f Leases 264