[ 劉成偉 ]——(2002-6-23) / 已閱19380次
Post:100872 中國人民大學9-01碩士1班
E-mail: Genes@263.net
Paying attention to those new rules concerning the protection of geographical indications in the newest amendment to our Trade Mark Law, I firstly review a typical case concerned, to strengthen the cognition of the significance of the amendment. Furthermore, concerning the more detailed and operational rules in TRIPS, I probe into the concerning rules. And I make the analysis respectively from such aspects as the definition of geographical indications and its sense, general rules on the protection of geographical indications and their exceptions, special protections on Wines and Spirits and so on. With this article, I mean to offer favors to strengthen our protection on geographical indications and take advantage of concerned international rules efficiently.
Geographical Indications, testimonial mark, appellation of origin, TRIPS.
總共2頁 [1] 2