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  • 二十一世紀的美國行政法

    [ 黃忠 譯 ]——(2005-11-3) / 已閱47140次

    [21] 見Stewart, ,同前注[1],at1732-56;相反論述可見:Richrd L, Revesz, Federalism and Environmental Regulation:A Public Choice Analysis.115 Harv, L, Rev, 553, 567(2001)(提出“對于集中化的企業利益者來講,附加資源使其要比分散的消費者和環保利益者要更易參與到更多的程序中去。”)。
    [22] 參見:Motor Vehicle Mfrs, Ass’n v, State Farm Mut. Life Ins.Co, 463U.S.29, 42-43(1983)(認為司法審查要確保行政決定是基于所有相關數據之上且能為合理的解釋所支持的);United States v.N.S.Food Prods. Corp, 568 F.2b 240, 252(2b Cir,1977)(認為行政決定的作出須是包括前提信息的開示,大量建議的回應和對其行為的合理說明三項工作。); Scenic Hudson Pres, Conference v.Fed. Power Comm’n,354F.2b608, 620-21(2b Cir,1965)(提出由于法院不能用裁判代替行政決定,因而司法審查的義務就旨在考量在行政決定作出過程中的所有信息。)。
    [23] 見Stewart, 同前注[1], at 1711-90; 又見Breyer 等, 同前注[16], at26-30。
    [24] Exec, Order No.12, 291, 3 C.F.R, 127(1982), reprinted in 5U.S.C.§601(1988).該命令已被克林頓總統所簽發的Exec. Order No.12, 866, 3 C.F.R. 638(1994), reprinted in 5 U.S.C.&601(2000)所取代。雖然,它對里根總統的命令在程序和實體上作了一定程度的修正,但其基本制度仍未改變。
    [25] 見James F. Blumstin, Regulatory Review by the Executive Office of the President: An Overview and Policy Analysis of Current Issues, 51 Duke L.J.851-59 (2001)(解釋了12291號令作出的背景原因);Richard H. Pildes & Cass R. Sunstein. Reinventing the Regulatory State, 62 U.Chi.L.Rev.1, 3(1995)(也對12291號作出的背景作了解釋);與主張在這一問題及其它相關問題上的總統授權觀點相左的論述試比較Cynthia R, Fiorina, Undoing the New Deal Through the New Presidentialism.22 Harv, J.L. & Pub. Pol’y227(1998)(批評正在發現的總統主義有著天然的解除控制和不合目的的傾向);與Elena Kagan, Presidential Administration, 114 Harv. L.Rev.2245(2001)(為克林頓總統運用法規來支持其政策和政治事務的做法作了辯護)。
    [26] 42 U.S.C.&1983(2000) (將對公民權的剝奪作為一個提起訴訟的理由)。
    [27] 見Bivens v.Six Unknown Named Agents of Fed.Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S.388.391-92(1971)(裁定聯邦官員違反憲法第四條之規定可以作為公民提起訴訟的理由)。
    [28] Peter L. Strauss. From Expertise to Polittes: The Transformation of American Rulemaking, 31 Wake Forest L.Rev.745, 755-56,760(1996)。
    [29] 同上, at767。
    [30] 見 Richard B. Stewart, A New Generation of Environmental Regulation?, 29 Cap.U.L.Rev,21,38-54(2001)。
    [31] 作為對行政法的利益集團代表模式的各種限制的討論,可參見:Jim Rossi, Participation Run Amok: The Costs of Mass Participation for Deliberative Agency Decisionmaking, 92 Nw.U.L.Rev.173, 236-41(1997)(警告說越廣泛的參加會使得行政機關傾向于同冒失的行為達成政治協妥從而在一定程度上削弱行政機關決定的作出);又見 Mark Seidenfeld, Empowering Stakeholders: Limits on Collaboration as the Basis for Flexible Regulation,41 Wm, &Mary L.Rev.411,427-45(2000)(作者認為利益集團的內在結構和功能使得其不能參與到協作型的管理計劃中去);又見Stewart, ,同前注[1], at1762-70(主要討論哪些利益需要去代表以及產生此類代表的方式問題)。
    [32] 通常可參見:William Funk, Bargaining Toward the New Millennium: Regulatory Negotiation and the Subversion of the Public Interest,46 Duke L.J.1351(1997)(因會使行政機關削弱對公共利益的考慮而對協商性法規制定作了批評);William Funk, When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Regulatory Negotiation and the Public Interest-EPA’s Woodstove Standards, 18 Emvtl. L.55(1987)(強調說協商性法規制定模式只能會使行政機關淪為幫助利益相關人達成合意的促進者,且會引起行政機關超越法定權限行為的危險。);但也有相反的觀點,如Philip J. Harter, Assessing the Assessors: The Actual Performance of Negotiated Rulemaking. 9 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J.32(2002)(簡述了行政協商的優點)。
    [33] 見Lewis A. Kornhauser, On Justifying Cost-Benefit Analysis. 29 J. Legal Stud. 1037, 1054(2000);但也有相反的觀點,見Exec. Order No. 12,866, 3 C.F.R. 638(1994), reprinted in 5 U.S.C. § 601 (2000)(旨在言明成本效益分析法的不足)。
    [34] 見Margret Catde, Can Bambi Ride Herd over Godzilla? The Role of Esecutive Oversight in EPA’s Rulemaking for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, 36 Nat. Resources J. 643, 675-76 & n.248(1996)(鑒于國會的核廢物政策,作者認為OMB對EPA的監管不僅沒能澄清反而模糊了其在政治上所負的說明責任。);又見Erik D. Olson, The Quiet Shift of Power: Office of Management & Budget Supervision of Envi-Resources L.1, 28-35, 55-57(1984)(認為OMB對EPA法規的審查既沒能增進行政機關的說明義務,也沒能促進強有力的分析。)。.
    [35] 通常可參考:Ian Ayres & John Brathwaite. Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate (1992);以及Stewart, 同前注[30] at 27-38。
    [36] Mark Seidenfeld, Demystifying Deossification; Rethinking Recent Proposals to Modify Judicial Review of Notice and Comment Rulemaking, 75 Tex. L. Rev. 483, 483-84(1997)(由于不必要的分析障礙,行政法上旨在擴大公眾參與的新發展已不經意地阻礙了法規的制定。)。
    [37] 見Stewart, 同前注[30], at 27-38。
    [38] 見 Regulatory Encounters: Multinational Corporations and American Adversary Legalism 404-05(Robert A. Kagan & Lee Axelrad eds., 2000); Richard B. Stewart, Recon-stitutive Law, 46 Md. L. Rev. 86, 103-04(1986)。
    [39] Jody Freeman, Collaborative Governance in the Administrative State, 45 UCLA L. Rev.1, 5, 18-19(1997) (提出對抗性的代表程序會導致法規制定的延緩、僵化和缺乏創新性。)。
    [40] 見 Seidenfeld, 同前注[36], at 483 ( “僵化”是指行政機關在采用新法規之前由于須首先清除分析上的障礙,從而使得管理方案缺乏效率);又見Thomas O. McGarity, Some Thoughts on “Deossifying” the Rulemaking Process, 41 Duke L.J. 1385, 1387-1436(1992)(概述了“僵化”的原因和后果);Richard J. Pierce, Jr., Seven Ways to Deossify Agency Rulemaking, 47 Admin. L. Rev. 59, 60-66(1995) (同樣簡述了“僵化”的原因和后果)。
    [41] 有關風險評估和效果分析在多大程度上才是不合算的,以及如何才能有效推遲行政決定的作出的討論。可參見:Celia Campbell-Mohn & John S. Applegate, Learning from NEPA: Guidelines for Responsible Risk Legislation, 23 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 93, 126-27(1999); 以及Thomas O. McGarity, The Espanded Debate over the Future of the Regulatory State, 63 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1463, 1523(1996)。
    [42] 見Robert A. Anthony, Interpretive Rules, Policy Statements, Guidances, Manuals, and the Like-Should Federal Agencies Use Them to Bind the Public?, 41 Duke L.J.1311, 1332-55 (1992)(提供了一些行政機關運用非立法性政策文件來約束公眾的例子);又見Lars Noah, Scientific “Republicanism”: Espert peer Review and the Quest for Regulatory Deliberation, 49 Emory L.J. 1033, 1068-69 & n.161(2000)(為防止改革的僵化,行政機關可能會選擇不太正式的機制。)。
    [43] 一般可參見Freeman,同前注[39](認為行政法的聯合管理模式可以代替利益代表模式);又見Georgette C. Poindexter, Addressing Morality in Urban Brownfield Redevelopment: Using Stake-holder Theory to Craft Legal Process, 15 Va. Envtl. L.J. 37(1995)(作者運用利益相關人理論的規范原則來提出所有相關選民的要求,并在允許經濟增長的同時促進平等);還可見Seidenfeld ,同前注[39] at414-26(為促進協作性管理方式而完善了利益相關人理論);以及Stewart, 同前注[30], at 60-94(簡述了合同和準合同性質的行政管理方案的使用)。
    [44] 見 Neil Gunningham & Peter Grabonsky, Smart Regulation: Designing Environ-mental Policy 123-29 (1998)。
    [45] 有關這一方式之優點的論述,可比較Cary Coglianese, Assessing Consensus: The Promise and Performance of Negotiated Rulemaking, 46 Duke L.J. 1255 (1997)(討論了因協商性法規制定方法而致的審查和裁決中的缺陷);與Philip J. Harter, Negotiating Regulations: A Cure for Malaise, 71 Geo. L.J. 1(1982)(支持協商性法規制定方式的使用)。
    [46] 通常可以參見 Notice, Medicare and Medicaid Programs Health Care Financing Research and Demonstration Cooperative Agreements and Grants for Fiscal Year 1991, 56 Fed. Reg. 26, 120 (June 6, 1991)。
    [47] Pub. L. No. 93-205, 87 Stat. 884 (1973) (codified as amended at 16 U.S.C. §§ 1531-1544 (2000)). See generally Notice, Medicare and Medicaid Programs Health Care Financing Research and Demonstration Cooperative Agreements and Grants for Fiscal Year 1991, 56 Fed. Reg. 26,120 (June 6, 1991)。
    [48] 一般可以參見Bradley C. Karkkainen, Collaborative Ecosystem Governance: Scale, Complexity, and Dynamism, 21 Va. Envtl. L.J. 189 (2002)(介紹了正在出現的“協作生態系統管理”模式,該模式強調要通過廣泛的公——私合作、協作和信息共享來為本土生態問題設計一個解決之道);又見Albert C. Lin, Participants’ Experiences with Habitat Conservation Plans and Suggestions for Streamlining the Process, 23 Ecology L.Q. 369, 379 & n.49 (1996)(簡述了在《瀕臨滅絕物種法》中的協商程序)。
    [49] 一般可見Michael C. Dorf & Charles F. Sabel, A Constitution of Democratic Experimentalism, 98 Colum. L. Rev. 267, 283 (1998)(針對現代生活的情況提出了民主實驗主義(democratic experimentalism)的管理模式)。
    [50] Joshua Cohen & Charles F. Sabel, Sovereignty and Solidarity: EU and US, in Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy: European and American Experiments 691, 694-95 (Jonathan Zeitlin與David Trubeck主編,2003年即將出版) [hereinafter Governing Work], 可瀏覽 http: //web. mit. edu/ polisci/ research/ cohen/ sovereignty and_ solidarity_EU_ _ and_US. pdf.;有關協作公開方法(OMC)的描述,可參見:Caroline de la Porte & Philippe Pochet, Introduction, in Building Social Europe Through the Open Method of Co-ordination 11, 13-16 (Caroline de la Porte與Philippe Pochet主編,2002年出版);有關OMC在就業政策上的運用的評估可參閱:Catherine Barnard & Simon Deakin, “Negative” and “Positive” Harmonization of Labor Law in the European Union, 8 Colum. J. Eur. L. 389, 411-12 (2002); David M. Trubek & James Mosher, New Governance, EU Employment Policy, and the European Social Model, in Governing Work, 同前,at 95可瀏覽http: // www. jeanmonnetprogram. org/ papers/ 01/ 011501. html。
    [51] Stewart, 同前注[30], at 138-39。
    [52] 見 Bradley C. Karkkainen, Information as Environmental Regulation; TRI and Performance Benchmarking, Precursor to a New Paradigm?, 89 Geo. L.J. 257, 259-63 (2001) (有毒物質排放目錄(TRI)成功地授權公司自行確立參考標準和自我監管,并且有效促進了環境的依法治理。)。
    [53] 一般可參見William M. Sage, Regulating Through Information: Disclosure Laws and American Health Care, 99 Colum. L. Rev. 1701(1999)(分析了規范醫療行業的強制公開法)。
    [54] Stewart,同前注[30],at 134-36, 143-45。
    [55] 見Alan S. Miller, Energy Policy from Nixon to Clinton: From Grand Provider to Market Facilitator, 25 Envtl. L. 715, 728 n.111(1995) (highlighting Department of Energy Climate Challenge programs and EPA Energy Star and Green Lights programs)。
    [56] .Stewart, 同前注[30] at 127-34. (“反身環保法”旨在在業界建立自我反醒的程序以鼓勵有關減少環境污染的創新行為、相關批評和對此問題的持續思考);Gunther Teubner, Substantive and Reflexive Elements in Modern Law, 17 Law & Soc’y Rev. 239 (1983)(對“反身法”與其它環保法理論作了比較)。
    [57] 一般可參見Richard B. Stewart, Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection: Opportunities and Obstacles, in Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development: The United States, the European Union and the International Community 171 (Richard L. Revesz, Philippe Sands 與Richard B. Stewart主編 2000) [此后簡稱Revesz, Sands & Stewart](分析了經濟激勵機制在國際、國內方面的運用。)。.
    [58].Stewart, 同前注[38] , at 88-89。
    [59] Stewart, 同前注[57] ,at 180-84, 212-14。
    [60] Alfred C. Aman, Jr., The Limits of Globalization and the Future of Administrative Law: From Government to Governance, 8 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 379, 399 (2001)(由于行政法的變革方法,公和私的界限已變得日益模糊。)。
    [61] 見Dorf與 Sabel, 同前注[49], at 314-23(概括了“民主試驗主義”的管理模式)。
    [62] 見 Aman, 同前注[60], at 396 (“集中于國內外角色轉換的行政法方法以及公或私的合作關系都應主要滿足透明和參與的需要”);又見Alfred C. Aman, Jr., Proposals for Reforming the Administrative Procedure Act: Globalization, Democracy and the Furtherance of a Global Public Interest, 6 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 397, 415-17 (1999)(建議將《行政程序法》和《信息自由法》的規定應用于私人部門以代替政府實體的管理)。
    [63] 見 Dorf 和 Sabel, 同前注[49] , at 345-48 (強調了由行政機關制定基準的重要性)。.
    [64] 見 Eckard Rehbinder, Market-Based Incentives for Environmental Protection, in Revesz, Sands & Stewart, supra note 57, at 245, 248-49 (提倡應對廣義經濟激勵機制的個別效果進行司法審查)。.
    [65] 參看Aman,同前注[60] at 379-80(對行政管理從以國家為中心的命令控制模式到市場模式的轉變而導致市場激勵機制和公私合作的產生進行了評述)。但Aman提出管理的市場模式已越發變得平凡(Commonplace)的原因,“并非是由于將行政權力轉讓給私人部門這一哲理性決定的結果,似乎這是公與私之間的一場不分勝負的比賽(a zero-sum game between ‘the public’ and ‘the private.’)。而是因為市場和私人部門沒有專橫的缺點、可以不受地區限制的影響來處理問題,因而其地位也就越發突出了。”同上at 391。
    [66] 見 Bruce A. Ackerman和 Richard B. Stewart, Reforming Environmental Law, 37 Stan. L. Rev. 1333, 1356-57 (1985)(認為基于恰當激勵機制上的行政決定可能引發公眾關于環境二難困境和議會政策的討論)。對這一主張的批評可參見:Lisa Heinzerling, Selling Pollution, Forcing Democracy, 14 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 300, 311-18 (1995)。
    [67] 見Stephen G. Breyer, Breaking the Vicious Circle: Toward Effective Risk Regulation (1993);又見Edward W. Warren & Gary E. Marchant, “More Good than Harm”: A First Principle for Environmental Agencies and Reviewing Courts, 20 Ecology L.Q. 379, 438-39 (1993) (對促進和擴張執行機構的法規監管進行了討論)。
    [68] 有關水平網絡管理概念的介紹可參見:Ann-Marie Slaughter, The Accountability of Government Networks, 8 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 347 (2001)(概述了跨國政府管理網絡和責任的問題);另外也可參閱:Peter M. Haas, Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination, 46 Int’l Org. 1 (1992)(考察了國際政策協調對決定作出程序的影響)。
    [69] 見 Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, Sept. 16, 1987, art. 2, 26 I.L.M. 1550 (1989年1月1日生效); Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Conference of the Parties, 3d Sess., Agenda Item 5, U.N. Doc. No. FCCC/CP/1997/L.7/Add.1 (1997), 37 I.L.M. 32 (1998)可瀏覽 http://unfccc. Int/ resource/docs/cop3/107a01.htm。
    [70] 見Eleanor D. Kinney, The Emerging Field of International Administrative Law: Its Content and Potential, 54 Admin. L. Rev. 415, 425-32 (2002) (概述了當地方和聯邦政府將行政權轉交給國際管理組織時所面臨的挑戰)。.

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